Before & Afters

See What’s Possible

Check Out Our Smile Gallery

Many patients step into our practice with dreams of a brand new grin. Others are looking to repair damage and get their oral health back on track. Seeing these individuals walk out of our doors with a strong smile and newfound confidence is the reason behind our mission here at Rooted Dentistry. No matter your goals, we’re honored to be a part of your oral health journey. Take a look at our Before & After gallery to explore real patient stories!

Restored and refined

Esthetic Crowns & Bridge

We replaced this patient's bulky, unhealthy, and uneven crowns and bridges with high-strength, esthetic, and biocompatible materials to promote gum health while providing a brighter, fuller, and more symmetrical smile!


A straighter smile and properly aligned bite.


With just 5 months of Invisalign therapy, we corrected this patient's lower crowding and upper tilting of their teeth. The result is an even bite, straight teeth, and a decreased risk of chipping or breaking teeth. This patient was left with a healthy and beautiful smile!

Composite Veneers

A confident and pain-free smile.


This patient had cavities on their front teeth, which led to unhealthy gums, painful brushing, and a lack of confidence in their smile. The patient left same-day with a brand-new, pain-free and healthy smile that is easier to keep clean.

Ready to Start Your Smile Journey?

We are ready to help!